showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
System Shock Electronic Arts;Origin Systems (Looking Glass Technologies)1994 labelminimizeminimize
Marathon Bungie Software1994Set in the year 2794 A.D. the game places the player as a security officer; in actuality, he is most likely a Mjolnir Mark IV Cyborg, dispatched to respond to a distress signal sent from the enormous human starship called the U.E.S.C. Marathon, orbiting a colony on the planet Tau Ceti IV. Throughout the game, the player attempts to defend the ship (and its crew and colonists) from a race of alien slavers called the Pfhor. As he fights against the invaders, he witnesses interactions between the three shipboard AIs (Leela, Durandal and Tycho), and discovers that all is not as it seems aboard the Marathon. Among other problems, Durandal has gone rampant and appears to be playing the humans against the Pfhor to further his own mysterious agenda.***
[22]***The game data files have been turned to freeware at some point, available from Bungie
I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream Cyberdreams (The Dreamer's Guild)1995 labelimageminimize
Marathon 2: Durandal Bungie Software1995Seventeen years have passed since the events of the first game.
Durandal sends the player and an army of ex-colonists to search the ruins of Lh'owon, the S'pht homeworld.
He does not mention what information he is looking for, although he does let it slip that the Pfhor are planning to attack Earth, and that being on Lh'owon may stall their advance.
Marathon 2 brings many elements to the game that can be considered staples of the series such as: a Lh'owon-native species known as F'lickta, the mention of an ancient and mysterious race of advanced aliens called the Jjaro, and a clan of S'pht that avoided enslavement by the Pfhor - the S'pht'Kr.
At the climax of the game, the Security Officer activates Thoth, an ancient Jjaro AI.
Thoth then contacts the S'Pht'Kr, who in turn destroy the Pfhor armada.***In 2000 the Aleph One engine remake became available.***The game data files have been turned to freeware at some point, available from Bungie
Marathon Infinity Bungie Software1996Marathon ∞ was the third and final game in the Marathon series of science fiction first-person shooter computer games from Bungie Software. The game was released on October 15, 1996 and included more levels than its predecessor Marathon 2. These were larger, scarier, and formed part of a more intricate plot that spanned both space and time. The underlying engine of the game changed little from the one in Marathon 2, and many levels can be played unmodified in both games. The only significant additions were the Jjaro ship texture set, vacuum-enabled humans carrying fusion weapons (called "Vacuum Bobs" or "VacBobs") and a new weapon. Marathon ∞, unlike Marathon 2 was only released for the Apple Macintosh.***In 2000 the Aleph One engine remake became available.***The game data files have been turned to freeware at some point, available from Bungie labelimagesubject
Obsidian Segasoft (Rocket Science Games)1997 labelminimizeminimize